73 Perspectives and Possibilities
Voices, stories and insights from the communities that are at the front line of climate change and the energy transition, as they secure their survival.


Strategi untuk mengurai masalah-masalah yang rumit (wicked problems)

Strategi untuk mengurai masalah-masalah yang rumit (wicked problems)

Oleh Matthias Rhein Direktur Riset, Seventythree Foundation [The English language version of this article is here] Tulisan adalah bagian kedua
6 min read
Menafsirkan masalah-masalah yang rumit

Menafsirkan masalah-masalah yang rumit

Oleh Matthias Rhein Direktur Riset, Seventythree Foundation [The English language version of this article is here] Salah satu masalah yang
5 min read
Dozens of people on the road looking at a bridge washed away by floods.

Strategies for disentangling wicked problems

By Matthias Rhein Research Director, Seventythree Foundation This is part two of a series about solving tough development challenges. The
6 min read
a tangled mass of pink bailing twine wrapped around the top of a livestock weighing scale

Interpreting wicked problems

By Matthias Rhein Research Director, Seventythree Foundation One issue that arises frequently in discussions with our partner organisations in eastern
5 min read

Facilitating Organisational Learning: A Psychodynamic Approach

Maria Latumahina Partnerships Director and Organisational Learning Facilitator, Seventythree Foundation Seventythree Foundation came into existence in the context of uncertainty
5 min read
Three Papuan women work together on a workshop activity

What we have learnt about locally-led development

By definition, locally-led development begins from within the community or collective, rather than being imposed or driven from the outside.
2 min read
A group of four Indigenous Papua women seated on the floor, discussing a large picture for a workshop

Welcome to the 73 newsletter

Seventythree Foundation is a new social enterprise that works in solidarity with isolated communities to reconnect with our cultures, interpret
1 min read