1 min read

Welcome to the 73 newsletter

A group of four Indigenous Papua women seated on the floor, discussing a large picture for a workshop
Community meeting in Numfor, Papua, Indonesia [credit: Albertus Vembrianto]

Seventythree Foundation is a new social enterprise that works in solidarity with isolated communities to reconnect with our cultures, interpret the challenges facing us and rediscover our sense of purpose.

Our intention in setting up this newsletter is to give a platform for members of our network to tell their stories, share their perspectives and illustrate the possibilities for our societies to transform, revitalise and flourish.

'What I have been trying to do in this book is not so much to propose a vision of what, precisely, the next age will be like, but to throw open perspectives, enlarge our sense of possibilities; to begin to ask what it would mean to start thinking on a breadth and with a grandeur appropriate to the times.' ~ David Graeber, Debt: The First 5,000 Years (2011)